Τρίτη 15 Μαΐου 2012

Galaxy Note

Size Matters...

All this time I've heard all about how the perfect size is between 3,5-4 inches. I must say that it's true, phones with more than 4'' screen are not exactly phones but that's supposed to be GOOD! Everybody knows that if you simply want a phone then maybe a smartphone is not for you.. ;)  My smartphone tends to replace my laptop when I am at the university, not to mention all the extra features it provides. If you love gadgets and technology which I believe you do since you are reading this blog, then my opinion is that the more pixels the merrier. Of course there is a limit to that which Samsung might have set and that is about 5,3'' because more than that you cant fit in your pocket... So if not much of a quad-core phone enthousiast Galaxy Note might be the one for you:

And don't forget to explore the amazing features that Note's S-Pen provides... It can really do amazing stuff.

video source:gsmarena

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